Thursday, March 5, 2009

March Moments 2009: March 5 - My First Time, Chapter 1

March 5 - My First Time, Chapter 1
by Verne James

(Editor's Note: Another theme I'm sure will pop up is the one suggested today by Verne. Again, I'm going with the Chapter thing).

So, what's our favorite day this month? March Fourth (forth) of course!

I remember my first field competition (or at least I think I do). It was in New London, Connecticut in 1976 (May - Memorial Day weekend?). We had four Contras (i.e., the Beast), Bluto, Mongo, Bozo and me. It was a foggy night and I recall the lights and the excitement of performing.

, Garfield must have been there and I believe the Muchachos as well (their last season). It took me years afterward to find the name of the Muchachos tune that stuck in my mind from that season, "Pines of the Appian Way" (any idea on how to get a recording of them playing that?). The sound of a corps playing away from the audience always has a very unique tone to it and this is how I remember hearing this song (didn't we usually sit in the back bleachers after a performance?).

We opened with Grieg and also did Ellington & eventually My Way (I think?). Later that season we changed the finale. I believe this was also the last year of going "Off The Line". Are current drum corps members familiar with this term, i.e., "What is their Off the Line?". I still hold Tom Swan's arrangements in high regard!! They were fantastic. The way he weaved together the Ellington songs was brilliant.

Though it ultimately ended up being a somewhat disappointing season, it was great for me and it was fun to watch Mongo donate to the cause at the end of most shows ;-) I also preferred the traditional uniforms that year and are still in awe at the talents of my fellow musicians and color guard.


Interested in submitting your own favorite memories for March Moments? Click here to submit, or if that doesn't work, send them to joparente DOT saintsdrumcorps AT gmail DOT com.

All for now - corpsdially yours from jo!

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