Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March Moments 2009: March 10 - Footwear, Chapter 2

March 10 - Footwear, Chapter 2
by Rhonda (Yates) Breen-Simone

(Editor's Note: The first chapter of Footwear appeared on March 8th).

Uniforms, Uniforms!

For those of you who attended the mini reunion you’ll know my heart belongs to the English Riding boot. And Jo has the picture to prove it!

I found them very comfortable to march in, and if I had known about the liquid floor wax, I’m sure Karen wouldn’t have had to give me such a hard time about my shine factor. Still, I have great memories of getting ready for inspection and of stashing a bit of nylons in my boots for quick touch ups (no jokes about stuffing my boots ‘cause I had such skinny legs that my boots would smack my calves).

I loved marching with you guys and I can’t think of a better way to spend the summer.

Thanks for the memories,

Interested in submitting your own favorite memories for March Moments? Click here to submit, or if that doesn't work, send them to joparente DOT saintsdrumcorps AT gmail DOT com.

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