Monday, April 13, 2009

March Moments 2009: March 44 - 1975, Chapter 1

March 44 - 1975, Chapter 1
by Jack Bodzas

(Editor's note: March Moments is winding down - just two more entries to go.)

In conversation with Jo about March Moments, I believe I told her I could effortlessly come up with about ten years worth of recollections. Cinch, no problema. If I had to narrow it down to a year's worth, my favorite is by far ‘75. I liked the Ellington charts, the drill, the shows we entered, places we went ... good times!

I recently purchased a recording of the 1975 Dream. The drums were cooking; if there was a caption for “trying hard” we would have surely taken it. I thought just to be on the same field with that horn line (my favorite ever, in the history of the world) was magnificent city. Never knew what tricks they were going to pull out of their bag next. Sometimes they were so powerful you would think they were going to straighten their horns right out.

The only drag about a CD is you couldn’t hear / see our color guard, equally as spellbinding. Not to mention they did a stellar job of intimidating judges, keeping them afraid and from getting too close to any of us.

The Nineteen-Hundred Seventy Five Saints, like a fine wine ... an extraordinary vintage.

Comments or questions about our March Moments series? Click here to submit, or if that doesn't work, send them to joparente DOT saintsdrumcorps AT gmail DOT com.

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