Sunday, April 5, 2009

March Moments 2009: March 36 - Indoor Shows, Chapter 2

March 36 - Indoor Shows, Chapter 2
by JoAnne Parente

(Editor's note: March doesn't end until we all decide it does - the ultimate antithesis of aging out. As long as entries for March Moments keep coming in, March keeps going, too.)

Going Over the Scoresheets

The beginning of rehearsal on Wednesday evenings for the Saints Guard was always the same once the season started: reviewing the scoresheets and GE tapes.

Somehow, it made me feel more grown up that we invested time in going over the judges' feedback each week. We were trusted to learn from each performance, and to make decisions about the value of opinions of others. We were the recipients of valuable lessons, and benefited from failure as well as success.

I've carried those lessons with me, and practiced them in some circumstances better than others. Thirty years later, I'm still benefiting - and I guess you are, too.

Comments or questions about our March Moments series? Click here to submit, or if that doesn't work, send them to joparente DOT saintsdrumcorps AT gmail DOT com.

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