Thursday, April 2, 2009

March Moments 2009: March 33 - Classic Cage Moments, Chapter 1

March 33 - Classic Cage Moments, Chapter 1
by Chris Trimblett

(Editor's Note: This entry originally was posted in the Saints Guestbook on March 17th. To put tomorrow's entry into better perspective, I've included it here today.)

The other day Pete Crafts was asking about memories from our days as Saints. One that comes to mind is the water fight on the Cage.

As I remember it, we were headed to the Midwest to compete and there was a huge stainless steel cooler that looked like a milk jug right in the middle of the isle. It was filled to the top with water, and after several hours on the hot bus we couldn't wait any longer.

Everything and everyone on that bus was wet. People were dipping Pringle cans and wax cups, whatever they could find, and winging water in every direction. We all had one of the best laughs ever, and that is saying a lot for the Cage. We stopped at McDonald's and the back door of the bus opened and I remember seeing a waterfall out the back just pouring out into the parking lot.

Mister Fastuca gave me a disappointed look like he didn't know what else he could do with us, but I have a feeling that he had to think it was awesome 'cause it was. And that was just the first day of our trip.

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