The map below is just to give you something to look at while reviewing the directions - you may want to go out to Yahoo, MapQuest, or the site of your choice to pull your own.
As Althea rightly points out, Route 1 between just south of Roosevelt Park to points north of Woodbridge Center is a MESS with construction. Unless you live there and / or know what you're in for, avoid it.
Here's what she recommends:
- First, bring these phone numbers with you:
732-634-9119 (the unlisted phone number for Post 471)
908-307-0934 (Althea Mazar / cell phone) - From 287 or areas South: Get on Route 9 North. Take the exit on the LEFT for Woodbridge Center Mall (after the Main Street Woodbridge exit which is on the right). This is Green Street. As soon as you take the exit, bear right (instead of left towards the mall), and continue forward on Green Street, across Route 1 & 9. After the Citgo Station on the left, you'll see Brown Avenue on the left. There is a sign that says The Post Inn. Make this left - Post is down on the right.
- From areas North of Woodbridge Center: Take the Garden State Parkway to Exit 131 (Iselin-Rahway-Rt 27). Make a left onto Rt 27. Go about a half-mile and make a right onto Green Street. Take Green Street for about 1.3 miles and make a right onto Brown Avenue.
- From Staten Island: Take the Outerbridge Crossing to Rt 440. Follow directions for Rt 9 North above.
- All other locations: Use the directions site of your choice, your GPS device, or contact Althea!

All for now - corpsdially yours from jo!
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