Thursday, August 23, 2007

Numbers ...

First, do you remember your corps number? Not only do I remember mine (84) and Karen's (114), there are many others I can recall quicker than my cell phone number. Oh, the times I could be putting those brain cells to better use these days, you know?

There was a post out in the DCA Forum of DCP today about drum corps families ... not how we're all like family, but the people you marched with who are related to you. Many of you may not realize that Karen and I have four other younger siblings who never marched, and there are lots of you out there who many of us think of as only children since we never saw your "other" brothers and sisters.

After I read some of the posts, I got to thinking about how many people in the Saints were actually related to someone else either marching in or instructing the corps, not to mention those who ended up related through marriage who weren't otherwise connected through family. A quick scan of the roster out on turned up around 155 siblings / cousins / children -- almost half the names. Pretty remarkable if you ask me!

One last thought on numbers -- have you voted yet for your favorite Alumni shirt design? You have 6 to choose from, and you get to rank them from your most to least favorite. The survey is out on the home page of the site, and will be limited to the first 100 responses.

All for now -- corpsdially yours from jo!

PS -- late breaking news ... here are some more numbers to remember: 9-21 from 7-9 ... reunion planning meeting at the ANNEX!!! stay tuned for details over the next few days ...

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