Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday Trivia: Wildwood Motels

Yeah, yeah, yeah - I know I'm posting this on Wednesday. Live with it.

First, on last week's Trivia - no additional submissions were received by e-mail about instructors and their corps, so we'll retire that question for the time being. A hint on a BIG omission - can anyone say Dukes?

Now, to this week. Kim Mega Trimblett made the following posting in the Saints Guest Book a few days ago: I was looking at news online and came across the "Filthiest Hotels in America" and #4 was the Eden Roc in Wildwood. Wasn't that one of the ones we used to stay at?

Here's the question: What were the places in Wildwood where we stayed?

Click here to submit your answers, and remember - prizes, prizes, we have no prizes!

All for now - corpsdially yours from jo!

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