Saturday, January 31, 2009

Weekend Wonderings: Remembering

There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.
(Dr. Who)

By now, word has probably reached you about Lorraine Porowski's passing. While I didn't know her as well as many of you, I spent enough time around her to know that she kept it real and reminded us that we were, after all, kids. The nature of what we did in corps was serious stuff - precision beyond belief under the aerobic pressures of marching and social pressures of performing in front of thousands. She provided that escape valve for me and others, leaving us convulsing with laughter beyond repair.

We don't know too much about what Lorraine was up to post-Saints much beyond that she's survived by her mother and had become a mother herself. This not-knowing is true for lots of members of our corps family. While it's unfortunate, it's also a gift - remembering her and others through the lens of who we were back during our days together is a cool thing in so many ways.

Lorraine, thanks for letting me be 19 once again!

All for now - corpsdially yours from jo!

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