Saturday, September 15, 2007

Weekend Wonderings: Then and Now

Yesterday, I had the great and good fortune to spend a few hours with some folks you probably know. We hung out in the food court at Bridgewater Commons, exchanging career and job hunting experiences with one another. Before we departed, there were hugs, gratitude shared, and plans to meet again. My response back at one point -- That's what family does -- is one I've used quite a bit during the six months that has been up and running.

I've spent a bit of time thinking about this, and in particular, what's it like to become JoAnne again to so many people (my husband and most others use my given name these days). When the opportunity started to present itself for us to get back together after all this time, a big part of me was excited to reconnect with all of you. The rest of me, though, experienced more than a wee bit of trepidation at the very thought of a reunion -- or even planning for one -- after all this time.

Some of my reaction was very ego-driven -- Lord knows I'm not in my best marching shape these days at age 52 and years of doing nothing but sitting in meetings and eating. A small bit of anxiety came from the idea of connecting with a handful of people from corps with whom, quite honestly, I didn't really have a warm-and-fuzzy relationship when we marched together. I'm guessing at least as many people felt the same way about me back then ... after all, I got a pie in the face at one point that proved it.

Great things happen over thirty years, though. We grow up, we get wiser, we value each other for who we were and more importantly, who we've become. We forgive, and ask forgiveness through our words and actions. We put aside anger, hurts, and what used to seem like huge age differences to become comfortable companions on this shared journey.

Bottom line -- families grow together, get along together, and get disturbed, pre-turbed, post-turbed, and all-around turbed with one another. It doesn't change that they're still connected through it all.

At the end of the day, without a doubt, even after all this time, here's the reality: If one of us needs something, we're each there to offer a hand ... a warm meal ... congratulations for small and big things ... a couch to sleep on ... a couple extra dollars to put gas in the car ... listening without judgment ... a shoulder to cry on ... a recipe ... a hug ... and lots of stuff I can't even begin to list.

Just like the old days, that's what family does.

All for now -- corpsdially yours from jo!

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