Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday Trivia - September 11, 2007

Last week's results ... the overwhelming winner is Althea Mazar! Champ, since your answers are more thorough than mine, I'll use yours!
  • Part 1: In what city were the competitions held?
  • Part 2: What was the name of the field where the competitions were held?
    Maxwell Field
  • Part 3: What two field competitions were held that weekend?
    There were at least 3 - State American Legion Jr., Sr., and Color Guard
    (note from Jo -- I was only looking for guard and corps ... Thea was more precise)
  • Part 4: Who was the weekend's sponsor?
    American Legion
  • Part 5: Who was our first sponsor?
    Father and Son (I think) Post 324, Edison
  • Part 6: Who was our last sponsor?
    T. Nulty Post 471, Iselin
  • Part 7: What were you required to do on Saturday afternoon?
    March the parade down Atlantic Avenue
  • Part 8: Besides the reviewing stand, what was one required "stop and play" location for the parade?
    Kellys until they closed during the parade due to "shenanigans" by the "seniors", then the Garden State Bar. FYI - Kellys is open again during the whole weekend now that we "seniors" are better behaved.
    (note from Jo -- either Kelly's or the Garden State were acceptable answers. Thea included both)
  • Part 9: Where did most of us go on Saturday evening?
    The Boardwalk, after going to the hotel where our Legion Post stayed (the Olympic) to play a concert
    (note from Jo -- either the concert or the Boardwalk were acceptable answers. Thea included both)
A close second place is awarded to Judy Stewart Sgammato, who only missed the name of our first Legion sponsor. Honorable mentions go to Priscilla French Lyons, Alan Goober Chesnovitz, and Jackie Bodzas.

This week's trivia question -- an easy two-parter:
  • Part 1: What horns did we replace with when we bought our mellophones?
  • Part 2: What was the major defining characteristic about the players in our mellophone line that made it unique in corpsdom at the time?
Send your answers to joparente.saintsdrumcorps@gmail.com -- please use Trivia in the Subject area. Thanks!

All for now --
corpsdially yours from jo!

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