Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday Trivia - September 25, 2007

It's Tuesday again!

Before we get underway, here's a Tuesday Tribute ... about 7 months ago, one of our members had an extraordinary idea -- to set up a tribute site to all the members of the Saints. Today, we pay tribute to Mark Chiocchi as he celebrates his birthday -- best wishes Rocky!!!

Now, last week's question and answer ...
  • One of the songs in our repertoire that was NOT used in field competition was the Theme from the Mickey Mouse Club. Why did we learn it to begin with?

    The Woodbridge Center management requested it. They were bringing in Mickey Mouse as part of a promotion, and as our sponsor, they wanted us there to provide additional entertainment. It was such a hit that they repeated the promotion several times over the years.

    Another regular Woodbridge Center gig for us was playing just before their July 4th fireworks show (held a day or two before since the mall used to be closed for the holiday). That usually involved performing our field show while climbing over spectators who refused to stay behind field markers that were set up.


  • In first place, Rich (Ferd) Ponik: Wasn't it that Mickey Mouse was coming to Woodbridge Center?

  • A close second was Mark (Peanuts) Scotto: If I remember correctly the Mickey Mouse song was played at some function in front of Woodbridge Center Mall. I remember being there, it was 1976 or 77. I also think I had a picture of that day which is posted in the photo section or it may have been someone else's.

  • Most creative answer was Billy Meyer: To make fun of the National Judges Association, for their inability to recognize the greatness that was The Saints as compared to some lesser competitors. We played it each time we got sc**wed.
    [Side note from jo: While this really did happen, it wasn't the reason we added it to our repertoire. It just came in very handy for those types of situations, and not just in NJA!]

Now, for this week's question, compliments of Goober Chez:

  • Name all the rooms in the Annex.
    [Side note from jo: Goober just wanted a count. That was WAY too easy! If you don't have a name for the room, a description of where it is and how it was (or is) used is acceptable.]

Submit your answers to joparente.saintsdrumcorps@gmail.com. Please use TRIVIA in the subject line or I may miss your response when it comes time to name the winners!

All for now -- corpsdially yours from jo!

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