Friday, July 6, 2007

Gratitude - Pass It On

When your morning starts with the surprises mine did, it's bound to have a great impact on what the rest of the day is bound to bring.

Many of us out there have morning habits. Rocky, our webmaestro extraordinare, needs his coffee to kickstart all his brilliant creativity (I know this only because he told me!). For me, I start with decaf iced tea and a freshly made waffle topped with cinnamon, followed closely by booting up my computer for the day. BTW, if you haven't yet made the leap to Internet Explorer 7, do so! IE7 allows you to have all your Internet windows neatly tabbed across your screen for easy access ... sorry, I digress!

Anyway, back to the story. Each morning, the first things I open on my computer are my various and sundry e-mail programs (another long story on why I use more than one), the Saints Guest Book on, and a utility program or two.

Starting with the Guest Book, I see an entry about how someone is grateful that the site has allowed her to reestablish her Saints relationships. Next, I open a piece of mail addressed to me and a couple others saying how thankful he is that the site has allowed him to connect with certain folks that might not have been possible otherwise.

The THANK YOU that both the messages shared with me on a personal level brings tears to my eyes, a belated birthday gift to be sure. It's not the first time this has happened since the site has been up, but the messages reached me at a time when I really needed to hear them.

Priscilla, Pete, and all of you who have taken the time to express your thanks to me and others associated with the website, YOU'RE WELCOME, and THANK YOU for inspiring today's Saints Scribblings.

Do for someone else what was done for me today -- surprise someone with a simple way of expressing your thanks. You'll be a Saint for doing it!

All for now -- corpsdially yours from jo!

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