Friday, May 1, 2009

Maybe 1: Who Stole My Drumsticks?

Maybe 1st - Who Stole My Drumsticks?
by Jack Bodzas

(Editor's note: Let's see how long we can make the month of May last - send in your entries for Maybe, Maybe Not!)

(picture found in Saints Photo Gallery 10, Page 2, Row 2, Picture 1)

It took this Maybe, Maybe Not exercise to figure out after all these years what might have happened ...

I do not remember the year, but it was long, long ago, back when we had tenor drums; Sharon Kennedy and Hugh Harkins were with us.

Eric and I were playing tymp - had to be the first year we had ‘em. We carried two pairs of sticks (one soft and one hard) in a bag on the side of our drums. As I was changing sticks, someone came up and took both pairs of mine. I stood there with a silly look on my face staring at empty hands. Eric gave me his extra pair.

All these years I thought it was a certain someone (I mention no names) from the Silver Lancers playing games, but if you look in the corner of the photo, you can see a little kid ready to race out and do the mischievous deed.

“Little Kid,” if you still have my sticks, I want them back! No questions asked.

So, did this really happen? Maybe, Maybe Not ...

For more details on Maybe, Maybe Not, check out the April 21st entry of Saints Scribblings.
Ready to send in your ideas? Click here to submit, or if that doesn't work, send them to joparente DOT saintsdrumcorps AT gmail DOT com.

An inventory of all stories and where they rate on the truthfulness scale will be posted at the end of May (whenever May may end!).

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