Saturday, December 20, 2008

Weekend Wonderings: Favorite Saints Christmas Memory

remember this holiday card?

We spent a lot of Christmas holidays together ... parades in Metuchen and Woodbridge, our annual parties in the Annex (including receiving our 5-year medals), singing Christmas carols on the way to color guard / ensemble shows (Althea, still remember the alto parts?), Mrs. Antol's Saints cakes, visiting each other's houses, and the like.

My favorite memory? Hands-down, it has to be the warm-to-the-touch Christmas tree procured each year under questionable circumstances ... and then donated to the nuns in the convent when we were finished with it. If there's anyone out there NOT in the witness protection program who's able to fill in more details, I'd love to run the full story.

So, what's your favorite Saints family holiday memory? Send it along to

All for now - corpsdially yours from jo!

PS - Jackie and Peaches, thanks for sending in those trivia questions. We'll pick up Tuesday Trivia again after the holidays.

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