Thursday, November 24, 2011

A tad delayed, but no less sincere ...

Yes, it's been awhile since I've posted out here in Scribblings. Those who have been in touch know all about what has slowed me down this year. The important thing is that we have a roof over our heads, a turkey ready to go into the oven, and a wonderful support system of family and friends to laugh, cry, and share memories with. To that end, here's a Saints version of Over The River, sent with a hug to each of you ...

Over Ford Ave and King George’s Road
To OLP Annex we go
We’ll fill up the bus with all of our stuff
And onto the contest we’ll go.

Over Ford Ave and King George’s Road
To OLP Annex we tread
When after parades, we drank the Kool-Aid
With ham and cheese slapped on white bread.

Over Ford Ave and King George’s Road
With so many friends in our ranks
The Saints family, with our memories
To all - we send blessings and thanks!


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