by ???
(Editor's note: Let's see how long we can make the month of May last - send in your entries for Maybe, Maybe Not!)
(picture found in Saints Photo Gallery 11, Page 2, Row 3, Picture 1)
Note from Jo: The above picture was featured on Maybe 2nd. Since then, the following submission was received ... all I can say it, I didn't write it - the proof is in the salutation (I NEVER call myself Marilyn around corps folks!).
Anyway, here is the validation for my entry a couple of days ago:
In an agreement with Mr Boyle, and I do respect his wishes, I continue to keep his identity and location a secret.
I can reveal this to you: He had been in a witness protection plan for close to thirty years. While in seclusion, he had studied under the world's elite masters of dequisement and had become a world class master in the art himself. After his release, he had been working with European royalty, utilizing his talents of masquerade to allow them access to the public sector, unrecognized.
Mr Boyle has been to all but one of your drum and bugle corps reunion gatherings, in disguise himself of course. For instance:
- If you look closely at the photo gallery reunion entries, why are there people not registered, without nametags (not spouses), who can’t be identified?
- At the Menlo Mall, he was one of the porters (the one drumming the ‘75 first drum solo on top of a trash can).
- Did you notice at the mini-reunion that all of a sudden there were 2 bartenders, and how one of them knew you all so well?
- As mentioned in Saints Scribblings the other day, he did raise his hand to wave in one of the group photos.
In my opinion, his best in-disguise work can be seen in Gallery 10, Page 8, Photo 9 on your corps website,
So, did this really happen? Maybe, Maybe Not ...
For more details on Maybe, Maybe Not, check out the April 21st entry of Saints Scribblings. Ready to send in your ideas? Click here to submit, or if that doesn't work, send them to joparente DOT saintsdrumcorps AT gmail DOT com.
An inventory of all stories and where they rate on the truthfulness scale will be posted at the end of May (whenever May may end!).