Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday Trivia: April 29, 2008

Which of the following people celebrating birthdays today were eligible to march with the Saints at its first rehearsal in July 1967?
  • Duke Ellington
  • Bridget "Barbara" Murphy Baxter McCarthy
  • Jackie Bodzas
  • Katie Kaufhold
Duke Ellington played a large role in defining our musical style as a corps, but he would have been too old to march in July 1967.

Barbara McCarthy was my mother's mother - my Nana. She, too, would have been too old to march, and if she were still alive, would be celebrating her 97th birthday today.

Katie Kaufhold is the first granddaughter born to my business partner. Her own father, Gerry Jr, wasn't even alive at the time the Saints began.

Any more hints needed?

All for now - corpsdially yours from jo!

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